Neighborhood management Rossau

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Neighborhood breakfast #3

  • from 07:15 o’clock
  • Company ROWA-MOSER, Bernhard-Höfel-Straße 9

Dialogue with Innsbruck's city politicians

What we do for Rossau

Neighborhood Management Rossau is a low-threshold interface between all stakeholders in the Rossau economic area. We actively address the challenges faced by local companies and curate dialog, transparent knowledge transfer and targeted solutions. We moderate and manage the network between entrepreneurs, property owners, politicians, the city and municipal institutions, the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce, the Tyrolean Location and Energy Agency and other relevant organizations. Our goal is to strengthen Rossau as an attractive and future-oriented business center. The "Rossau location offensive" development concept provides us with a conceptual framework for this.

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Our topics

Location development

sustainable mobility

Energy solutions

Circular economy

Quality of the public space

Green and open space potential

Offers for employees

Renovation and new construction

Our tasks

We design sustainably effective networks

  • Building company-related networks
  • Enabling synergies and cooperation
  • Facilitate information transfer between stakeholders
  • Establish supra-regional knowledge exchange

We unfold development opportunities for an attractive business district

  • Taking up ideas and needs from the neighborhood
  • Demanding urban development improvements
  • Promote and support climate change adaptation projects
  • Providing knowledge and contacts for future topics and funding
  • Helping to develop future economic strategies

We give the Rossau a face

  • Making Rossau visible as an attractive economic area
  • Design proactive public relations work
  • Implement innovative event formats

The Rossau neighborhood management team

Verena Engel MSc

Neighborhood management Rossau

+ 43 (0) 664 22 51

Mag. Gudrun Pechtl

Neighborhood management Rossau

+ 43 (0) 664 22 51

Questions or interested? We look forward to hearing from you!

Grabenweg 3, 6020 Innsbruck

Our cooperation partners


City of Innsbruck

Country logo 4c 01



TyrolChamber of Commerce